Wednesday, September 2, 2009


... combined with some eggs and rice, you're in for a delicious meal. But digitally, SPAM is a massive annoyance in your inbox. I’ve experienced it, you’ve experienced it, and any AOL 2.0 user has experienced it. Spam is no laughing matter, unless you on the receiving end of the lucrative scheme and don’t get caught.

Well, of course some people in our digital world are naive enough to click through the emails, hone in on one link and prepare to submit their credit card information for some animal growth hormones to make their testes the size of bowling balls! Sadly, those that have funded these off-shore research facilities have realized that they’ve been had when they bail on eHarmony dates because their pills haven’t come in and they’re left alone, depressed, and contemplating ordering some of the happy pill ads that keep filling up their inbox.

There’s a lot of SPAM in this world and there have been major combatants against it. SpamHaus, which is a network of Australia, New Zealand, India, China and the United States banding together to assist in our “War on Spammer.” Their most recent take down is a head Al-Qu… I mean a Big Wig of SPAM dealing prowess. I’m glad that they were able to take down this major king pin and thwarting his reign of 10 billion SPAM emails a day! I can definitely sleep well a night as my blackberry holds back the Gmail updates until noon…

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